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Tim Lichtenberg

 Invited & Keynote

Conferences & Workshops

Origins Federation Conference , Cambridge, UK, 09/2024, slides

National Astronomers' Conference , NL, 05/2024, slides


The Geoscience of Exoplanets: Going Beyond Habitability , International Space Science Institute, CH, 04/2024, slides


Challenges in the field of exoplanets and the search for life , Leiden, NL, 02/2024, slides


Ringberg Conference: Density Matters , Kreuth, DE, 02/2024, slides

Atmospheric and Interior connection in rocky EXOplanets and what we can learn from the Solar System , JPL Caltech, Pasadena, US, 08/2023, slides


Exoclimes VI , Exeter, UK, 06/2023, slides


Molecular Origins of Life , Munich, DE, 06/2023, slides


Gordon Research Conference – Origins of Solar Systems , South Hadley, US, 06/2023, slides

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly , Vienna, AUT, 04/2023, slides

Protostars and Planets VII , Kyoto, JP, 04/2023, slides


ESA ESLAB – Unterstanding Planets in the Solar System and Beyond, Noordwijk, NL, 03/2023, slides


Fundamentals of the Universe Symposium , Groningen, NL, 02/2023, slides


Life in the Universe, Physics of Living Systems , Sofia, BG, 10/2022, videoslides


The Sun and Planetary Systems, Center for Space Science, NYUAD , UAE, 10/2022, slides

10th Workshop on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels , BE, 09/2022, slides


3rd Workshop on Giant Collisions and their Effects on the Thermochemical Evolution of Planets, DLR Berlin, DE, 09/2022, slides

(Exo)Planet Diversity, Formation and Evolution, FU Berlin, DE, 09/2022, slides

Latsis Symposium on The Origin and Prevalence of Life, ETH Zurich, CH, 09/2022, videoslides

International Astronomical Union General Assembly, FM10: Synergy of Small Telescopes, and Large Surveys for Solar System and Exoplanetary Bodies Research, Busan, KR, 08/2022, slides

International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Division F: Planetary Systems and Astrobiology , Busan, KR, 08/2022, slides


Annual Meeting of the European Astronomical Society , Valencia, ESP, 06/2022, slides


AGU21: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Terrestrial Worlds , New Orleans, USA, 12/2021, video

AGU21: A Journey Into Planetary Interiors, New Orleans, USA, 12/2021, video

ESA PLATO Atmospheres Workshop, 2021 Berlin, DE, 12/2021, slides

The Volatile Content of Planets that Form Early , Leiden, NL, 12/2021, slides

ESA Ariel Interiors working group meeting 2021, Zurich, CH, 11/2021, slides

ESA PLATO mission conference 2021, virtual, EU, 10/2021, slides

Ringberg 2021: Formation of the Solar System , Kreuth, DE, 10/2021, slides

EPSC 2021, EXO3: Exoplanet observations, modelling and experiments,  virtual, EU, 09/2021, slides, video

EPSC 2021, TP3: Late accretion processes , virtual, EU, 09/2021, slides, video

EPSC 2021, EXO1: Zooming In On Planet Formation, virtual, EU, 09/2021, slides, video

Astrobiology Graduate Conference 2021, Tokyo, JP, 09/2021, video


Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, session Exoplanets & Astrobiology, virtual, DE 09/2021, slides, video

Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life, Investigators Meeting, New York, USA,  07/2021, slides

Goldschmidt 2021, Chemical geodynamics throughout the Solar System , Lyon, FR, 07/2021, slides, video

STScI Spring Symposium 2021, Towards the Comprehensive Characterization of Exoplanets, Space Telescope Science Institute, USA, 04/2021, slides

STScI Spring Symposium 2021, Science Writers' Workshop , Space Telescope Science Institute, USA, 04/2021, slides

Habitable Worlds 2021 , NASA Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS), NExScI, USA, 02/2021, slides, video

Origins 2021, Origins Center, NL, 01/2021, slides

Five years after HL Tau: a new era in planet formation, ESO, CL, 12/2020, video

Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life, Annual Symposium, New York, USA, 11/2020, slides

EPSC 2020, EXO3: From Disks to Planets and their Atmospheres, virtual, EU, 09/2020, slides/video

EPSC 2020, TP3: Coupled planet formation and evolution, virtual, EU,  09/2020, slides/video

Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics virtual workshop: Final Orbit Assembly, Garching, DE, 06/2020, slides

What Makes a Planet Uninhabitable? , Chicago, USA, 05/2020, slides

Gordon Research Seminar & Conference – Origins of Life, Galveston, USA,   01/2020, slides

Rocky Worlds I: from the Solar System to Exoplanets, Cambridge, UK,  01/2020, slides

Exoplanet Vision 2050 , Konkoly Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, HUN, 11/2019, slides

DFG Research Unit: Transition Disks Annual Meeting, Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, Munich, DE  11/2019, slides

EPSC-DPS 2019, TP16: Collisions from small bodies to planetary scales, Geneva, CH, 09/2019, slides

Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society 2019 , Stuttgart, DE, 09/2019, slides

EPSC-DPS 2019, TP14: Coupled planet formation and evolutionGeneva, CH, 09/2019, slides

EPSC-DPS 2019, EXO2: Exoplanet observations, modelling and experiments, Geneva, CH, 09/2019, slides

From Stars to Planets II, Gothenburg, SE, 06/2019, slides

UK Exoplanet Community Meeting 2019, London, UK, 04/2019, slides

Planet Formation and Evolution 2019, Rostock, DE, 02/2019, slides

2nd Oxford Meeting on Planets, Oxford, UK, 12/2018, slides

European Astrobiology Network Association 2018 , Berlin, DE, 09/2018, slides

EPSC 2018, EXO2: Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems, Berlin, DE,  09/2018, slides

EPSC 2018, SB4: Asteroids and parent bodies of meteorites, Berlin, DE, 09/2018, slides

Exoplanets II, Cambridge, UK, 07/2018, slides

UK Exoplanet Community Meeting, Oxford, UK, 03/2018, slides

Gordon Research Seminar – Origins of Solar Systems, South Hadley, US, 06/2017, slides

Accretion, Differentiation and Early Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets, Nice, F, 05/2017, slides

Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk, London, UK, 02/2017, slides

Formation of the Solar System and the origin of life, Leiden, NL, 02/2017, slides

Winter school 'Chronology of the Formation of the Solar System VI', Les Houches, FRA, 02/2017, slides

New Directions in Planet Formation, Leiden, NL, 07/2016, slides

Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics, Sant Cugat, E, 04/2016, slides

Planet Formation and Evolution 2016, Duisburg-Essen, DE, 03/2016, slides

PlanetS General Assembly 2016, Grindelwald, CH, 01/2016, slides

The Delivery of Water to Proto-planets, Planets and Satellites, Bern, CH, 01/2016, slides


Colloquia & Seminars

Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research , Göttingen, DE, 05/2024, slides


Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting , Graz, AUT, 05/2024, slides

Austrian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute , Graz, AUT, 05/2024, slides

Alien Earths Collaboration Annual All-Hands Meeting , Tucson, USA, 04/2024, slides

University of Groningen, Department of Physics , Groningen, NL, 02/2024, slides


SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research , Leiden, NL, 10/2023, slides


Royal Astronomical Society Ordinary Meeting , London, UK, 10/2023, slides


Leiden University Observatory , Leiden, NL, 09/2023, slides


Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences , Cambridge, US, 06/2023, slides


ASTRON – Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy , Dwingeloo, NL, 02/2023, slides

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shanghai, CN, 11/2022, slides


California Institute of Technology, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Yung Lunch Seminar , Pasadena, USA, 07/2022, slides

University of Vienna, Department of Astrophysics , Vienna, AUT, 06/2022, slides

AEThER Collaboration Seminar, Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory , Washington DC, USA, 06/2022, slides

Munich Institute for Astro-, Particle- and BioPhysics, Planet Formation: From Dust Coagulation to Final Orbit Assembly , Garching, DE, 06/2022, slides

University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute , Groningen, NL, 05/2022, slides

Free University of Berlin, Department of Earth Sciences , Berlin, DE, 04/2022, slides

Imperial College, Department of Earth Sciences , London, UK, 03/2022, slides

European Astrobiology Institute Seminar , Strasbourg, FR, 03/2022, slides

Washington University St. Louis, Physics Colloquium , St. Louis, USA, 03/2022, slides

University of Rochester, Earth and Environmental Sciences , Rochester, USA, 02/2022, slides

University of Arizona, Origins Seminar , Tucson, USA, 02/2022, slides, video

Purdue University, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences , West Lafayette, USA, 02/2022, slides

Heidelberg Initiative for the Origins of Life Colloquium , MPIA Heidelberg, DE, 11/2021, slides

St Andrews Centre for Exoplanet Science , St Andrews, UK, 07/2021, slides

Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory  (DRAO), Penticton, CA, 06/2021, slides

TRR-170/Planetology colloquium , Münster, DE, 06/2021, slides

NExSS Quantitative Habitability science working group , Tucson, USA, 05/2021, slides, video

Université de Lorraine, Petrographic and Geochemical Research Center , Nancy, FR, 03/2021, slides

University of Zurich, Theoretical Astrophysics & Computational Science , Zurich, CH, 03/2021, slides, video

Lunar and Planetary Institute , USRA, Houston, US, 03/2021, slides

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Atmospheric Physics of Exoplanets , Heidelberg, DE, 03/2021, slides

Carnegie Institution of Science, Earth & Planets Laboratory , Washington DC, US, 02/2021, slides

University of Bern, Theoretical Astrophysics and Planetary Science , Bern, CH 02/2021, slides

University of Bristol, Isotope Geochemistry , Bristol, UK, 02/2021, slides

University of Cambridge, Planetary Geochemistry , Cambridge, UK  02/2021, slides

São Paulo State University, Orbital Dynamics and Planetology , Sao Paulo, BR 10/2020, slides

National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Department of Physics and Astronomy , Rourkela, IND,  10/2020, slides

Berkeley Center for Integrative Planetary Science / University of California Los Angeles joint planetary science seminar , Berkeley, US, 09/2020, slides

Universidad de Concepción, Departamento de Astronomía , Concepción, CL, 06/2020, slides

University of Arizona, Steward Observatory, Tucson, US, 01/2020, slides

ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences , Zurich, CH, 11/2019, slides

Imperial College, Blackett Laboratory, London, UK, 11/2019, slides

McMaster University, Origins Institute, Hamilton, CA, 11/2019, slides

ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Zurich, CH, 05/2019, slides

German Aerospace (DLR) Center for Planetary Research , Berlin, DE, 04/2019, slides

University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, UK, 02/2019, slides

University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy , Cambridge, UK, 05/2018, slides

ETH Zurich, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology , Zurich, CH, 04/2018, slides

Stanford University, Department of Earth Sciences, Stanford, US, 10/2017, slides

University of Sheffield, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Sheffield, UK, 08/2017, slides

University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, UK, 07/2017, slides

University of Bern, Center for Space and Habitability , Bern, CH, 06/2017, slides

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Konkoly Observatory , Budapest, HUN, 03/2017, slides

ETH Zurich, Institute of Geophysics, Zurich, CH, 02/2017, slides

University of Copenhagen, Centre for Star and Planet Formation , Copenhagen, DK, 02/2017, slides

Liverpool John Moores University, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool, UK, 07/2016, slides

University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, UK, 06/2016, slides

ETH Zurich, Institute of Geophysics, Zurich, CH, 12/2015, slides


Poster Presentations

Molecular Origins of Life 2021, Munich, DE, 08/2021, video

AGU20: Comparative Planetology Throughout the Solar System, San Francisco, US, 12/2020, video

ESO Threats from the Surroundings, Garching, DE, 11/2020, video

Exoplanet Demographics 2020, Pasadena, US, 11/2020, e-poster

Exoplanets III, Heidelberg, DE, 07/2020, slides

Molecular Origins of Life 2020, Munich, DE, 07/2020, slides

Gordon Research Conference – Origins of Life, Galveston, US, 01/2020, slides

Rocky Worlds: from the Solar System to Exoplanets, Cambridge, UK, 01/2020, slides

Extreme Solar Systems IV, Reykjavík, IS, 08/2019, slides

Exoclimes V, Oxford, UK, 08/2019, slides

Gordon Research Conference – Origins of Solar Systems, South Hadley, US, 06/2019, slides

European Astrobiology Network Association 2018, Berlin, DE, 09/2018, slides

European Planetary Science Congress 2018, session EXO1, Berlin, DE, 09/2018, slides

Water during planet formation and evolution, Zurich, CH, 02/2018, slides

PlanetS General Assembly 2018, Grindelwald, CH  01/2018, slides

The Origins of Volatiles in Habitable Planets, Ann Arbor, US, 10/2017, slides

Planet Formation and Evolution 2017, Jena, DE, 09/2017, slides

Gordon Research Conference – Origins of Solar Systems, South Hadley, US, 06/2017, slides

German-Swiss Geodynamics workshop, Lichtenfels, DE, 08/2016, slides

Origin and Evolution of Plate Tectonics, Ascona, CH, 07/2016, slides

Exoplanets I, Davos, CH, 07/2016, slides

PlanetS site visit, Geneva Observatory, Geneva, CH, 05/2016, slides

Gordon Research Conference – Origins of Solar Systems, South Hadley, US, 07/2015, slides

PlanetS General Assembly 2015, Anzere, CH, 01/2015, slides

Planet Formation and Evolution 2014, Kiel, DE, 09/2014, slides

Forming Worlds Lab  Kapteyn Astronomical Institute  University of Groningen
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